06 October 2016

Water Softeners and the Environment

Many people have wondered whether there is or isn’t a negative environmental impact that come from at-home water softeners. The Water Quality Association recently released a study that highlights the environmental benefits that comes from water softening.

dishwasher inside The overall goal of the study was to explore the efficiency of home water softening methods and to come to a conclusion with regards to the environmental impact of water softeners. The study results proved that the efficiencies gained from water softeners with home water heaters, faucets, shower heads and other water-using household appliances outweigh any negative effects. A few of the benefits illustrated in the study:

  • These systems use less energy
  • Appliances last much longer when they have a water softening solution installed
  • This contributes to a lower amount of waste and land fill
  • Getting rid of scale issues along surfaces, eliminates our exposure to pathogenic bacteria
  • The amount of detergent needed is a lot less over time and overall less water is used in washing machines and dishwashers. These reductions have no effect on the quality of the cleaning and stain removal.

For more information, visit: http://www.saltinstitute.org/news-articles/benefits-to-the-environment/

View our water softener salt products.

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