20 April 2017

How to add salt to my pool?

Add salt to your salt chlorinator. You are going to be shooting for a 3000 to 6000 ppm concentration of salt. You will want to use NaCl, sodium chloride, of at least 99% purity.

Pool Water To add salt, turn on your filter pump and add the salt directly to your pool water. Use a brush to help the salt dissolve and to prevent the salt from piling up on the bottom of your pool. Run your pump for 24 hours to help distribute the salt evenly throughout your pool. Test your salt level using salt test strips or a pocket salt tester.

Now you can start up your salt chlorine generator. Salt chlorinators make their own chlorine from salt. Chlorine kills algae and bacteria. Without it, the pool water would be green, cloudy and potentially unhealthy.

Chlorine can be lost when it is hit by sunlight. Chlorine forms hypochlorite ions in water. When ultraviolet radiation from the sun hits hypochlorite, it breaks apart, releasing the chlorine as gas to the atmosphere. Sunlight is so effective in reducing chlorine that a bright sunny day can reduce the chlorination level of a pool by 90 percent in just two hours.



Source: https://pinchapenny.com/info/salt-pool-basics

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