26 April 2017

2-handled Water Softener Salt Bags

The next time you are shopping for water softener salt, look for the 2-handled bags and make your purchase experience a little easier.

Compared to most consumer packaged goods, water softener salt is sold in pretty large quantities per package. That is due to several factors and convenience is one of them. The more you can purchase and haul at one time, the fewer trips to your water softener. Water softeners are usually located in areas of your home that you don’t often frequent. (Unless you are lucky enough to have one in your garage or on your home’s first level)

Bright and Soft water softener salt pellets 40 lbs Diamond Crystal® Bright and Soft® Water Softener Salt Pellets and Iron Fighter® Water Softener Salt Pellets come in 2-handled bags to make lifting and carrying easier.  We realize that lifting and carrying 40 lbs. of anything is not going to be easy but by including 2 handles in our bags, we are making the task more bearable.   

Having bags with 2 handles enables users to more evenly distribute the weight of the bags. Having that weight distributed between your two hands also encourages an improved lifting and carrying technique.

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