31 July 2019

Are there different types of water softener salt?

Water softener salt comes in different forms: crystals, pellets, cubes and blocks. They all are made from salt (sodium chloride) but differ in how they are produced. Fill Water Softener Crystals

  • Water Softener Salt crystals: made from evaporating salt water in shallow outdoor ponds. The sun and wind evaporate the water and leave behind a layer of natural salt crystals.
  • Water Softener Salt pellets, cubes and blocks: made from small salt granules that are compacted together to form a large pellet (pillow shape), cube (square shape) or block (40 lb). The larger size of pellets and cubes may make them less susceptible to bridging than smaller salt crystals.

Water Softener Salt crystals, pellets, and cubes can be used interchangeably in most water softeners. Blocks are designed to be used in special salt tanks due to their size. Be sure to consult your water softener owner’s manual to determine if a certain type of salt is recommended for your system.

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