04 September 2018

How Much Salt Do I Put in My Water Softener?

The amount of salt you should add to your softener will vary by the level of hardness in your water and the amount of water your family consumes. The average family of four with hard water, or levels around 7-10 grains per gallon hardness, will typically use about 10 lbs. of salt each week. This would equal out to about one 40-lb bag of salt each month.


There are other variables that may increase or decrease the amount of salt your family consumes including:

  • Family size: the bigger the family the more water consumed and likely the amount of salt needed to accommodate the softener regenerating more frequently
  • Having extremely hard water: any water hardness above 10 grains per gallon will increase the amount of salt needed
  • If you have a larger softener tank, or a tank above the standard of 9” in diameter you will need more softening salt monthly
  • Local water treatment variables: depending on the conditions in your area the local facilities may increase or decrease your valve settings, these could either cause your softener to regenerate more often or less often in the case of a drought
  • Age of softener: an older softener (10+years) may require more salt than a newer more efficient model


To ensure your water remains soft in-between the addition of salt to your tank, it is good practice to always have the tank half full with salt.



source: http://homewater101.com/often-add-salt-water-softener


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